I'm using Lemur with Ableton Live, via MIDI. My problem comes up when I use the Monitor module to display the value of a fader in Live which is controlled from a fader in Lemur.
When I use the mouse to move the fader in Ableton on my computer screen, the Monitor module in Lemur shows the value changing smoothly in real time. No problem.
When I use my fader in Lemur to control the fader in Ableton (which is what I use Lemur for), then the Monitor module doesn't show any change in value until I stop moving the fader in Lemur. Which sort of defeats the point of including the Monitor module in my patch.
Any ideas about why this would happen? And what I can do to fix it so that moving the Lemur fader will show up in the Monitor in the same way the Monitor reflects moving the Live fader directly?
-- Neil
Monitor module question
Re: Monitor module question
There is NO way to change this behavior.
This behavior is part of how Ableton Live works and how it sends "midi - feedback" to its connected controllers. In simple words, it always WAITS untill the incoming midi messages are stopped before sending the feedback of the value. The same is true for ALL mapped controls inside Ableton Live including the controls that affect various plug ins. You can easily observe this is true by observing the little small "squares" on the top right of Ableton Live's GUI. The yellow one lights up when midi is RECEIVED, below it the "orange" one lights up when midi (feedback) is transmitted - sent. Obseve that the orange one NEVER lights up while the yellow one is lit - once you have stopped SENDING midi to Ableton, then it proceeds to transmit the "feedback" values.
In a way, the above procedure ensures two things:
1. No unecessary bottleneck of the outgoing midi messages
2. If the "feedback" was arriving to your controller at the same time as you are operating it, erratic behavior would occur: the fader-knob-what have you would momentarily "jump" to the value as defined by the "feedback" while at the same time you would be moving the fader-knob-what have you to ANOTHER value - this would result in a "jumpy"-glitcy movement of your fader-knob-what have you.
Depending on the situation, the best solution is to use maths and translate the actual control (knob - fader - what have you) value inside Lemur to the value it represents in the mapped control of the software.
For example if we were talking about panning and you had a knob:
Monitor.value = Knob.x*200 -100;
Unfortunately for "volume" faders the math starts to get complicated but there are some workarounds.

This behavior is part of how Ableton Live works and how it sends "midi - feedback" to its connected controllers. In simple words, it always WAITS untill the incoming midi messages are stopped before sending the feedback of the value. The same is true for ALL mapped controls inside Ableton Live including the controls that affect various plug ins. You can easily observe this is true by observing the little small "squares" on the top right of Ableton Live's GUI. The yellow one lights up when midi is RECEIVED, below it the "orange" one lights up when midi (feedback) is transmitted - sent. Obseve that the orange one NEVER lights up while the yellow one is lit - once you have stopped SENDING midi to Ableton, then it proceeds to transmit the "feedback" values.
In a way, the above procedure ensures two things:
1. No unecessary bottleneck of the outgoing midi messages
2. If the "feedback" was arriving to your controller at the same time as you are operating it, erratic behavior would occur: the fader-knob-what have you would momentarily "jump" to the value as defined by the "feedback" while at the same time you would be moving the fader-knob-what have you to ANOTHER value - this would result in a "jumpy"-glitcy movement of your fader-knob-what have you.
Depending on the situation, the best solution is to use maths and translate the actual control (knob - fader - what have you) value inside Lemur to the value it represents in the mapped control of the software.
For example if we were talking about panning and you had a knob:
Monitor.value = Knob.x*200 -100;
Unfortunately for "volume" faders the math starts to get complicated but there are some workarounds.

Last edited by Softcore on 12 Jul 2014 18:50, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Monitor module question
here's the workaround for the "volume faders" of Ableton Live
https://forum.liine.net/viewtopic.php?f ... =10#p10643
https://forum.liine.net/viewtopic.php?f ... =10#p10643
Re: Monitor module question
Thanks for the explanation, Softcore. That makes sense. I'll try the volume fader workaround you sent, and get back to the discussion to let you know how it worked.
Re: Monitor module question
Hey Softcore ... just wanted to let you know that I implemented your solutions, both for volume sliders showing dB, and for data sliders showing 1-127. Works great. Thanks ... slowly figuring out about scripting in Lemur ... I love the fact that I can actually make the interface show what I want and need for both programming and performance. Thanks for your help.
Re: Monitor module question
Unfortunately the math starts to get complicated but there are some workarounds.
Do tell?
Unfortunately the math starts to get complicated but there are some workarounds.

Do tell?

Re: Monitor module question
Ah well, Joe for a mthematically accurate volume slider, I think I have ended up to only one solution:
Sit down with a lot of free time.....
Map your fader to your preferred DAW
Move the fader to ALL possible MIDI values ( 0 up to 127)
For EACH possible MIDI value observe and write down the dB read out in the software.
Construct a values array with those written down dB values in Lemur and set up the monitor so that it displays values choosen from that array.
Sit down with a lot of free time.....
Map your fader to your preferred DAW
Move the fader to ALL possible MIDI values ( 0 up to 127)
For EACH possible MIDI value observe and write down the dB read out in the software.
Construct a values array with those written down dB values in Lemur and set up the monitor so that it displays values choosen from that array.