TwistedTools Morph Board

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TwistedTools Morph Board

Post by Phil999 »

Morph Board is a free tool designed to make it easy to store, recall and morph presets on Liine’s Lemur app for the iPad.

With Morph Board , you can store up to 16 presets and morph between them without the need for any scripting knowledge. It currently supports up to 256 objects of the objects listed below (the supported object’s list may change in future updates):

Single Multislider
Single Switch
Custom Button

This is probably the solution for a preset storage system I tried to build in Lemur for some time, but never managed to finish. I haven't tried Morph Board yet, but I think I can implement it in my synth templates. I cannot say yet how much work it will need, but some of my templates need to be redone anyway to make use of the Canvas object. And it's Antonio Blanca who is behind Morph Board, so I'm very confident this will be a new era of synth controllers for me.

Many thanks to TwistedTools and Antonio Blanca!
Last edited by Phil999 on 08 Apr 2014 21:01, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: TwistedTools Morph Board

Post by wurlt01 »

Yeah its a great template(blueprint to start from.). and great idea. Can be usedd as great tool for sound design and mixing. you can use lemur to help automate synths or fx or mixer states. Lots of possabilites.
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Re: TwistedTools Morph Board

Post by Softcore »

Great stuff!!!
Joe Soap
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Re: TwistedTools Morph Board

Post by Joe Soap »


I've been trying to build something similar for going on two years now, without any success (because I am rubbish @ coding!) - I suspect that previous to proper support for string-concat in L5 that the code for this was somewhat . . . more longwinded and tricky?

AB, fkin superstar! :)


So I've managed to extend the template to store and recall size, position and colour of objects, at least at a basic level, but maaan - it gets tricky from that point!
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Re: TwistedTools Morph Board

Post by lABl »

Hi Mates,

Thanks for posting this and glad to hear you like it.

@Joe, ya, this is a bit tricky stuff, I've not used string concat included in V5 though, this project is two years old now, so what I made basicaly is to scan objects inside of the container, and to apply the preset system, morph and variator. I've just started working on this idea from this feature request :)

Feel free to share your mod dude.

I've attached here something people asked, it can works also with tabbed containers, so you can have different pages, just add the tabs you need. Will upload in main modules thread too.

Btw- I will add LemurMenu suuport coming soon.

Cheers guys,
Morph Board with tabbed container
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Joe Soap
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Re: TwistedTools Morph Board

Post by Joe Soap »

Yup - deeper understanding of the code revealed string-concat to be a red-herring . . . and I must say, just modding / building on top of this has taught me quite a bit! :) Just the use of the looping structure to capture state alone really forced me to rethink my understanding of these matters completely.

I'll definitely post the finished article - but that may take a while as Real Life (TM) has gotten in the way quite a bit lately - and of course there are still sections of the Morphboard code that I've yet to wrangle into shape for my purposes.
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Re: TwistedTools Morph Board

Post by lABl »


No hurry sir, only if you have the time. If you have any question, let me know, I will be glad to help if I can.

Here other small tip I totally forgot to mention, you can know the available objects in morphboard using a monitor by typing this (attached pict):
Number of objects function
Number of objects function
Number of Available Objects.png (20.31 KiB) Viewed 6707 times
That returns the number of "available" objects, but if you want to know the current number of objects, remove 256-, use this instead:

Code: Select all

I have attached it with the monitor included.

btw- have you tried using this to blend "object physic parameters"?

Includes object count
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Joe Soap
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Re: TwistedTools Morph Board

Post by Joe Soap »

Oooh - great idea (objects available / remaining)!

Not quite sure what you mean by "blending object physics" . . . presume you mean morphing from one setting to another? Truth be told I rarely bother with the object physics - in fact when it comes to faders / knobs / sliders etc. I almost always disable physics as I find the interpolation causes problems. But for stuff where the physics are useful / fun . . . say, multiball (or multislider in "special" configurations) - that sounds like a fantastic use, definitely.

And hey, I've a million questions - but I'm genuinely enjoying figuring out the answers for myself on this one! If I *really* get stuck, I won't hesitate to ask dude :).

Don't suppose you're going to Primaverasound next week? Hookup for cerveza if y'are?!
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Re: TwistedTools Morph Board

Post by lABl »

Hey Joe,

I meant using morph to control pyshics parameters, yeh, then morphing speed, friction, etc, using breakpoint with freeform enabled and controlling speed and rest makes some cool multi-modulators. Also you can activate mass-spring to the morph fader or automate it from your daw, etc.

I hear you about of interpolate, knobs for example are frame rate killer, specially if you resize them to a bigger size, not sure if they are optimized now, but I try to avoid them if possible. I think that perfomance on iPad Air is better, however I couldn't work with them on iPad 1 with interpolate enabled.

Unfortunately I will be not at Primavera Sound fest, I would love ! but work keep me quite busy, but have some birras for me :) and have fun man!

Joe Soap
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Re: TwistedTools Morph Board

Post by Joe Soap »

Where am I going with that gun in my hand? :D

No, I don't think the knobs have been optimised at all - they even seem to slow the editor down when dragging into a project . . . I thought that was just a result of leaving the app up and running for weeks at a time but now you brought it to my attention I restarted the editor and it happens on a fresh launch too.

Pity you can't make it to PS - it's a damn good time, with easily the best / most diverse lineup of any major festival worldwide. Still, work's work eh? I would have liked to buy you a few beers, fella!
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