Awsome, I realize I can build some crazy shite with this!
But, it'll take some time to actually create anything really useful...
Are there any html5 canvas "generator" modules anywhere, that might make the process of designing stuff a little less number intensive.
I mean its not very intuitive to build a graphic element by typing its path coordinates...
that is if i can figure out how to do it properly...
EDIT... Stupid me of course there is... Google was my friend. How to use it and translate the code is another matter altogether, but the data is there. And also how the regular html5 code is set up that can also give some insight into what might be possible wight the canvas in lemur.
This can hopefully get me started:
In the codes page I suggest removing the checkbox from shorten code (that makes it a lot easier to follow for me). You can also choose wether to use absolute points or not. could be useful...
Sound post production to feature film & TV.
Nuendo and ProTools. Dubstage with Euphonix S5MC 32 fader.
8 editing rooms without hardware controllers.