knob with text

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knob with text

Post by ciarany »

hi i need some with help with modifiying this module which i took from softcores brilliant examples tutorials

i can put this to good use but i need it to tie the labels to midi output

i am still struggling with the midi elements of lemur i am a musician not a programmer , i have lots of ideas but struggling with the implementation ill get there in the end just need some more examples till the penny drops

i would like the knob as it turns and each label appears to send a different value on a common CC
I would also like a knob that sends a different CC number as each label appears

cheers ciaran
knobwith text.jzml
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Re: knob with text

Post by Phil999 »

maybe the Diva template can help? There are lots of knobs with text objects. Not exactly what you need, but maybe it can give you an idea. ... iva#p12390
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Re: knob with text

Post by Softcore »

So, the native midi mapping system (map the x with the Lemur midi mapping settings) is not sufficient? You need specific CC values on specific "locations" of the knob?

Also, had I mistakenly posted this example with two knobs, one on top of the other or did you just do it yourself? :p
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Re: knob with text

Post by ciarany »

I'm not sure about the double knob thing , I did notice it but didn't want to delete it I case it had some purpose

I understand I could send sequentially using the x function but what if they aren't sequential ? I suppose what I really need to know is how to send a different midi command for each vector. Value
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Re: knob with text

Post by Softcore »

Ok then I must check my posted example - I probably have done something very very wrong lol! Feel free to delete the duplicate!

I'll mock up an example for what you are asking! Of course, it will need scripted midi output so you wont have bi-directional feedback unless also scripted.
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Re: knob with text

Post by Softcore »

Ok, first of all we take advantage of the "grid" feature - in our case we set the knob to a grid of 10 since in our example that's the number of our choices. This results in the knob having discrete, stepped resolution (10 steps).

Now, I have assumed the midi output you desire is of a "switch" nature. Therefore once the knob is turned into one position it will send a CCnumber 127 value. Once it is turned again to a different position, the previous CCnumber will be set to 0 and the new one will now be 127. The CC settings are saved in the vector CC - you can change it to your liking, I have used some random CC numbers just to showcase the functionality).

All the rest of the functionality resides in the "act" script so take a peak into it! Oh, and I dont remember if in the script function ctlout(target, CC, value, chan) the "channel" starts counting from 0 or from 1 - so my example below MIGHT be transmitting to midi channel 2 instead of 1 - if so, just change the last digit inside the ctlout functions to 0 (it now is 1).
knobwith text-ctlout.jzml
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Re: knob with text

Post by ciarany »

Thanks mate I'll take a look :D
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