So I just got this Lemur app a week ago, and I had a blast building interfaces for my Ableton Live set. I have a weekly gig in a club and decided to break it out. I had a huge list of midi mappings and tested it out a little before I left the house. All seemed to be in good order. I showed up to the club and hooked it all up with my APC40. But once I was there and started playing, I would move a fader, have it move in the software a second later and then get stuck for the next 5 seconds after i move it again. And to top it off, my APC40 (it was the first time I used them together) was completely unresponsive. So I tried several things to straiten it out to no avail. Eventually, I deleted all my midi mappings and all of a sudden my APC40 came back to life. After that I was able to connect with touchable with no problem.
So, I'm open for ideas. Should I be doing something through OSC instead of MIDI? I've never done much with OSC.
Epic Fail
Re: Epic Fail
There is this thing with Midi - no matter what devices-ports are being used, the software doesnt differentiate for example a CC 60 parameter on Midi ch1 relatively to the source device it was transmitted from....What I mean is, any midi message transmitted by APC 40on a Midi channel (APC 40 in factory configuration) is "occupied" by it. If you hook up another midi controller and it sends the same midi message on the same midi channel and you midi map it, then Live will not differentiate the will assume you "bypassed" the APC 40 factory configuration with a custom midi mapping....
All in all, maybe there lies the problem....Consult the APC 40 manual or search to find info about the midi messages it sends to Live (I dont own one so I really dont know if this information is available anywhere). Then make sure you Lemur templates do NOT use the same midi messages on the same midi channels. This will ensure there are no conflicts between the two....
Off the top of my head...
P.S. : it would be helpful for more replies if you changed your topic title to smthing not so generic....I was really close not to looking into the topic thinking it was a bot-spammer!
All in all, maybe there lies the problem....Consult the APC 40 manual or search to find info about the midi messages it sends to Live (I dont own one so I really dont know if this information is available anywhere). Then make sure you Lemur templates do NOT use the same midi messages on the same midi channels. This will ensure there are no conflicts between the two....
Off the top of my head...
P.S. : it would be helpful for more replies if you changed your topic title to smthing not so generic....I was really close not to looking into the topic thinking it was a bot-spammer!

- Newbie
- Posts: 2
- Joined: 15 Feb 2013 09:51
Re: Epic Fail
Thanks, that sounds exactly like the problem. I'll post an update after I do a little more research. Prolly doesn't help that all my midi messages are coming down the first midi channel. Lol.