Controll Breakpoint(s) with Faders

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Controll Breakpoint(s) with Faders

Post by agentsmith23 »


i want to create a simple envelovpe, which i can controll with 4 faders.

fader1: Attack = point2.x
fader2: Decay = point3.x
fader3: Sustain = point3.y/point4.y
fader4: release = point4.x

i tried but i dont know how to script it..

help please^^ ... 345981.jpg
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Re: Controll Breakpoint(s) with Faders

Post by Softcore »

Controlling individual points of a breakpoint with faders can be achieved with referencing them in scripts in your faders like this

insert script in fader, on expression x, any

Code: Select all

where x[0] is the first point, x[1] the second and so on....

However you will realize after doing this, that this is not exactly an accurate visual representation....For example raising the "attack" fader even if it correctly moves the second point along the X axis....the decay will "visually" become it should also relatively move the decay point too, wouldnt it?

In other words its more complex than the "moves" you have described in your post...
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Re: Controll Breakpoint(s) with Faders

Post by Softcore »

Here is an example with an effort to keep a "logical" visual representation of the envelope settings...Still though, you will have to map the faders to the envelope of your software and NOT the points - the breakpoint object in this case merely serves only as a visual representation and not as accurate midi messages one would map to an envelope attack, decay, sustain and release settings.
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Re: Controll Breakpoint(s) with Faders

Post by agentsmith23 »

allright, thank you!!!

appreciate it!

did you have more of these example-parts?

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Re: Controll Breakpoint(s) with Faders

Post by Softcore »

They are not something I have already in my arsenal - I created it when I read your post...Besides answering your question, it helps me practise scripting and possibly help me understand lemur scripting better and also deal with practicalities not apparent in initial ideas! ;)
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Re: Controll Breakpoint(s) with Faders

Post by agentsmith23 »


if you want you can help me out further..

i'm trying to add a delay on each point in this project, so the points acting like a sine-wave..

its a very simple preset, one physic-fader which controls the y.axis of the breakpoints...

Point Delay (Sine).jzml
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