Search found 5 matches
- 09 Jan 2013 21:19
- Forum: Troubleshooting
- Topic: Lemur crashes when setting knob to Bipolar
- Replies: 5
- Views: 2027
Re: Lemur crashes when setting knob to Bipolar
@Softcore: Your post was clear, I confused the threads 

- 09 Jan 2013 21:11
- Forum: Troubleshooting
- Topic: mass spring stops working
- Replies: 1
- Views: 598
Re: mass spring stops working
Following further testing the problem appears to be related to V1 iPad when running latest Lemur software, previous version worked fine. I now have iPad V1 running ios5.1.1 and iPad V2 running ios6.0.1 both running latest Lemur. On iPad V1. When selecting mass spring (on any mass-spring physic ...
- 07 Jan 2013 23:56
- Forum: Troubleshooting
- Topic: Lemur crashes when setting knob to Bipolar
- Replies: 5
- Views: 2027
Re: Lemur crashes when setting knob to Bipolar
Hi softcore, thanks for quick reply. I followed your advice, my findings thus far:- I now have iPad V1 running ios5.1.1 and iPad V2 running ios6.0.1 both running latest Lemur in front of me. I also have two laptops running older/newest PC editing software. The latest Lemur editing software installed ...
- 07 Jan 2013 20:38
- Forum: Troubleshooting
- Topic: Lemur crashes when setting knob to Bipolar
- Replies: 5
- Views: 2027
Lemur crashes when setting knob to Bipolar
Lemur won't allow me to set knob object to bipolar behaviour, just crashes. Only allows endless rotary behaviour as well as default.
NB this occurs within editor (nothing else connected) Anyone else witnessed this behaviour? Any suggestions?
Win 7 Q.core i7/iPad V1 latest Lemur V4.0.1 on both.
NB this occurs within editor (nothing else connected) Anyone else witnessed this behaviour? Any suggestions?
Win 7 Q.core i7/iPad V1 latest Lemur V4.0.1 on both.
- 23 Dec 2012 20:23
- Forum: Troubleshooting
- Topic: mass spring stops working
- Replies: 1
- Views: 598
mass spring stops working
Hi, mass spring objects work inconsistently. Everything working fine for a couple of weeks then mass spring devices become static. I've even tried creating new template with single device, doesn't work although perfect comm's between editor and iPad so it's not my template. Started working again ...