Search found 4 matches

by jonhems
20 Jul 2014 02:24
Forum: Troubleshooting
Topic: VCA style control group fader
Replies: 16
Views: 4716

Re: VCA style control group fader

Thanks again for the help here.

Antonio's first version is exactly what I am looking for!

This is a really awesome community! I'm just amazed to find people so willing to put in the time to program these modules for a random guy on a forum!

A million thanks

by jonhems
11 Jul 2014 07:56
Forum: Troubleshooting
Topic: VCA style control group fader
Replies: 16
Views: 4716

Re: VCA style control group fader

Thank you!

This is brilliant!

Now I just need to get my head around what is going on so I can apply this!

I will post up the finished article in the relevant forum once its finished!

Thanks again :D
by jonhems
10 Jul 2014 04:22
Forum: Troubleshooting
Topic: VCA style control group fader
Replies: 16
Views: 4716

VCA style control group fader

Hi Everyone, I'm working on a template to be used in a live sound environment allowing musicians to have remote control of their monitor mix via OSC. Due to the large channel counts and not wanting to overload the musicians, I am trying to find a way to allow them to adjust a group of values ...
by jonhems
10 Jul 2014 03:57
Forum: Introductions
Topic: Hello
Replies: 0
Views: 445


Hi Everybody,

Coding gives me a headache so appreciate any help I can get!

Jon Hemsley