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by somababa
15 Jun 2014 21:29
Forum: Troubleshooting
Topic: Program Change from Lemur to Ableton
Replies: 7
Views: 1562

Re: Program Change from Lemur to Ableton

Thanks for that. I did get it to work.

since you were so quick to reply.... how about a knob that creates the program change instead of the key pad?

Thanks again!
by somababa
15 Jun 2014 18:25
Forum: Troubleshooting
Topic: Program Change from Lemur to Ableton
Replies: 7
Views: 1562

Program Change from Lemur to Ableton

Hi out there,
does anyone know any tricks to getting Lemur to make program or bank changes in Ableton, particularly to Papen's Predator or Sub boom Bass? I cannot seem to get it to work...
Thanks for your help
by somababa
15 Jun 2014 18:23
Forum: Introductions
Topic: Hi From London
Replies: 0
Views: 435

Hi From London

Hi, I am excited to be new on the forum.