in the lemur editor programm i cant write some signs:
{ } and [ ].
i have a mac pro with mountlion and a logitech keyboard. i must push [alt] + 5 to make the sign [,
[alt] + 6 is ]
[alt] + 8 is {
and [alt] + 9 is }
hi, i understand hold so that its like a holdpedal. i test it in conjunktion with my kyma sound. when i set hold=1 i only must touch a multiball one time and the sound is running the whole time. then i change the hold value to 0 and the sound is off. some times its good because i must control some ...
wowowowo :D softcore your the greatest!!! just have tested your solution. runs very well. i must learn very much to understand your code..... uuuuuhps. :P thanks alot! i worked with a kyma and therefor its fantastic to programm special controllers. lemur is an fantastic tool for this kind of work ...
hi all, im sorry about this, but seems to be another stupid question from a newbee :oops: i want to controll the hold attribute from a multiball. i made a script in a switchobject: setattribute(MultiBall,'hold',x); but it doesnt run? when i want controll the grid all is running well. isnt hold an ...
yes!! great! i understand. but i wasnt able to get this nice solution. 8-) only one thing i missed. maybe you also have a solution for this problem? but its only a blemish. when buttons are of i can change the value of the fader. to save the value i must put the button on and of. maybe there can be ...
just have modified the templet to use also multislider by painting over switchs and it runs very well!!!! think its a very stupid solution. think i also can use variable for vectors in multislider, but i only need 10 and for this its running well..... greetings and thanks alot for your help !! vmy ...
hi all :) im newbee in scriping and programming. think its a very simple problem and hope someon can help me! i want to control fadervalue with a button. therefor i used a switch. when switch is on fader value should be 0. when switch is of fader value should be at the last value. hope you ...