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by airyck
13 Apr 2013 22:14
Forum: Troubleshooting
Topic: MU Devices not show up, everything else works.
Replies: 2
Views: 652

Re: MU Devices not show up, everything else works.

Doesn't look like people spend their Saturdays here :? Anyway, I reverted back to ableton live 8 and Max for Live 5. I guess it doesn't work because of some problem with Max for live 6+. You can load Max for live in ableton 8 and it still does the same thing. When I load Max 5 the devices show up ...
by airyck
13 Apr 2013 20:49
Forum: Troubleshooting
Topic: MU Devices not show up, everything else works.
Replies: 2
Views: 652

MU Devices not show up, everything else works.

Hi, I'm running MU with Ableton Live. I have everything connected and I'm able to trigger clips and control the mixer etc... all of this goes both ways so I know I have a connection. The problem I'm having is that when I try and choose a device, say Analog, or the Autofilter, they show up to be ...